In the computer aided testing device of the mechanical seal system, the experimental investigations on the basic performance of the GY70 mechanical seal has been carried out. 对GY70型机械密封的基本性能进行了试验研究,得出了弹簧比压、介质压力以及转速对机械密封泄漏量和摩擦功耗的影响规律。
These application examples show the computer aided testing technique can satisfy the requirements of the contact mechanics research perfectly. 这些应用表明计算机辅助测试技术能较好地满足接触力学的实验研究要求。
Computer Aided Testing for Profile and Symmetry of a Cam 凸轮轮廓度与对称度的计算机辅助测量
This paper introduces the applications of computer aided testing ( CAT) technology in electrical test. 介绍了计算机辅助测试(CAT)技术在电气试验中的应用。
Research on a Double Probe Computer Aided Testing System for Internal Thread of Joint 管接头内螺纹双针计算机测量系统的研究
The Design of the Coupling Tester's Computer Aided Testing ( CAT) System Based on Virtual Instruments 基于虚拟仪器的耦合器试验台CAT系统设计
Computer Aided Testing System for Hydraulic Valves of Class B Accuracy B级精度液压阀计算机辅助测试系统
Applications of Computer Aided Testing in Transformer's Delivery Test 计算机辅助测试在变压器出厂试验中的应用
Study and Development on Computer Aided Testing System for Transport Package 运输包装试验计算机辅助测试系统的研究与开发
The paper presents a grain threshing and separating installation based on the technology of computer aided testing, it expounds the working principle of the sensors and also introduces the function of the software and hardware of the system. 设计了基于计算机测试技术的谷物脱粒与分离试验数据采集系统,分析了系统的传感、测量原理及系统的软硬件功能特点。
Computer Aided Testing and Control Method of Hydraulic Elements Behaviour 液压元件性能计算机辅助测试及控制方法
Computer Aided Testing Technique and Application 计算机辅助测试技术及其应用
The Computer Aided Testing system of dropping test machine, impact test machine and vibration table was studied. The blue print of Computer Aided Testing system of stress test machine was put forward and the software of Computer Aided Testing system was developed with VC++ 6.0. 概述了对跌落试验机、垂直冲击试验机和振动台的计算机辅助测试系统的研究,提出了压力试验机计算机辅助测试系统方案,开发了基于VC++6.0的计算机辅助测试软件。
Since the technology of CAT ( Computer Aided Testing) has been developed independently the technology of CAD ( Computer Aided Design), it's an important subject that how to integrate CAT with CAD effectively. CAT技术是独立于一般CAD、CAM技术发展的,如何有效的实现CAT与CAD的集成是一个重要的问题。
The fact proves that the computer aided testing system with the application of virtual instruments realizes the test automation, simplifies the test devices, accelerates the test velocity, and raises the test precision. 事实证明,采用了利用虚拟仪器的计算机辅助测试(CAT)系统,使电液伺服阀的测试实现了自动化,简化了仪器仪表等设备,加快了测试速度,提高了测试精度。
This paper presents the computer aided testing system on the blower performance. 介绍了一套计算机辅助通风机性能试验系统。
Development of the Computer Aided Testing Device for Mechanical Seals 机械密封计算机辅助试验装置的研制
The development of computer aided testing system for certain aeroengine test-run is discussed. 讨论了某型航空发动机试车计算机辅助试验系统的开发;
Design and Application of Computer Aided Testing System for Pump 水泵计算机辅助测试系统的设计及应用
Study on Design of Computer Aided Testing ( CAT) System for Clamping Force of Injection Machines 注塑机锁模为计算机辅助测试系统设计研究
This paper introduces the principle of the Computer Aided Testing system of normal stress in crossbeam wind. It gives the detailed structure of handling program. 本文介绍了横梁弯曲正应力计算机辅助测试系统的工作原理,给出了处理程序的详细结构。
Based on previous achievement, this research develops some applied researches on precision seeder test-bed by using the advanced VI ( virtual instrument) techniques, and has built a CAT ( Computer Aided Testing) system of multi-purpose precision seeder test-bed based on the VI techniques. 在以前研究的基础上,将先进的虚拟仪器技术引入精密播种机性能测试中,开展了一些应用研究工作,并开发了基于虚拟仪器的精密播种机综合试验台辅助测试系统。
In recent years, as a new method, the Computer Aided Testing ( CAT) is being used in many fields. 近年来计算机辅助试验(CAT)作为一种新的试验方法也正在各个领域被采用。
Computer Aided Testing in Experiment of Auto Control Theory 自动控制原理实验教学中的计算机辅助测试
Computer aided testing system for radiator thermal performance based on virtual instruments 基于虚拟仪器的散热器性能计算机辅助测试系统
CAT ( Computer Aided Testing) Technique is an advanced technique of the measurement area. 计算机辅助测试(CAT)技术是测量领域的前沿技术。
Computer Aided Testing System for Motor Turn-to-Turn Insulation 电机匝间绝缘的计算机辅助测试系统
Computer Aided Testing System of Multi point Pressure for Bulldozer 推土机多点压力计算机测试系统
Firstly, This paper introduces the development of Computer Aided Testing and the pivotal knowledge of CAT, then introduces the structure and working theory of pressure relay. 本文首先叙述了计算机辅助测试技术的发展概况及压力继电器试验台CAT的关键技术,接着介绍了高低压压力继电器基本结构及工作原理,并针对测试要求完成试验台总体方案设计。